Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Premie Graduation

The twins are no longer premies! OK, that's our unofficial proclamation, but not only did Lucie and Ryan start wearing Newborn diapers and clothes (finally into the "0- 3 months" category), but they are gaining weight at a very fast pace. No doubt making up for lost time, even the pediatrician expressed surprise when, at their appointment this morning, Lucie weighed in at 6 pounds 4 ounces (and 20 inches) and Ryan at 6 pounds 14 ounces (20.5 inches). That's almost a pound each in 8 days. They're now big enough to track on the regular Newborn growth scale.

On a side note, we now have a very nice collection of gently worn doll clothes, primarily in yellow and green. Any takers?

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