Thursday, October 27, 2005


Lucie and Ryan are having a great time this week playing on their activity mat. They are getting more and more alert each day, and enjoying their daily play time. Plus, Ryan doesn't seem to mind if Lucie tries to eat his ear...

When it comes to entertaining us, I think every new parent should have Tivo. No need to watch infomercials at 3 am feedings -- dial up Tivo and catch up on Survivor instead! Unfortunately Tivo can have a mind of its own sometimes. Lately its been recording the Denise Austin daily workout every morning no matter how many times I give it the "thumbs-down" (Tivo owners know what I'm talking about). Excuse me, Tivo, the doctor said no sit-ups until 6 weeks postpartum. I don't appreciate the hints - at least give me a few more days!

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