Monday, October 03, 2005

Pediatrician's office

The twins had their second car ride this morning as we all packed up for the 2 mile drive to the pediatrician's office. Ryan is now 20 inches, 5 lbs 14 ozs and Lucie is 19.5 inches, 5 lbs 6 ozs*. Very good sign that each is now above their birth and discharge weight -- some milk must actually be getting into their stomachs rather than just dribbling down their chins. I guess Pediatricians watch to make sure babies gain weight after going home, both to insure no health issues and gauge parenting. Everyone passed the test.

Our only complaint was the excruciating wait. Their doctor was 90 minutes behind schedule by 11am. Personally, I think order of visit should be inversely proportional to number of babies. Singletons at the back of the line, super multiples move to the front. Knowing the craziness of twins, I'd gladly let parents with triplets go on ahead.

* Did you know that you can type "50 cm in inches" into google and it will return the conversion? Is there anything that company does that isn't ridiculously cool?

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