Monday, March 03, 2008

Cookie Monsters

We bought some Girl Scout cookies from the older sisters of twins in our playgroup. Having no understanding of who the Girl Scouts are, Lucie devised her own name for the cookies. Instead of Girl Scout cookies, she calls them "girl-sized" cookies. It's the perfect name, and pretty hilarious that she came up with it on her own, considering that the cookies are just the right size for little Lucie hands.

I guess they are the perfect "boy-size" too, as Ryan has certainly been enjoying his fair share. We appreciate having two other little people in the house to help us go through our boxes of cookies. Otherwise, five boxes for two adults is way too tempting.

Enjoy the before and after shots of Lucie and Ryan's cookie-induced sugar high. Fortunately, Bunny does not seem to be affected.

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