Thursday, November 30, 2006

Here Sis, Have a Spoon!

Now that we're home from our trip, Ryan and Lucie don't have quite the same mealtime audience they had come to enjoy at both grandparents' houses. Most of the time, it's just me hanging out with them in their high chairs, stealing glances at magazines or Christmas catalogs in between spoonfuls.

R & L quickly took matters into their own hands and recreated the mealtime excitement. This game of pass-the-spoon went on for about ten minutes, with giggles, smiles and enthusiastic leg-kicking punctuating each pass. Once again, the built-in entertainment potential that comes with twins makes my day.

(on a side note, I thought Baby Bjorn only made infant carriers, but they also make many other baby products including these great toddler spoons. The chubby handles are perfect for little hands and quite tasty to chew on between courses.)

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