Friday, December 08, 2006

A Boy, a Girl, and Their Wagon

When we don't go for longer trips in the stroller, I take Lucie and Ryan for short cruises in their Radio Flyer. They wave their little Snack Traps (another ingenious invention) full of Cheerios in delight as the wagon starts cruising out the door. I'm sure we drive our neighbors crazy with our constant clunk-clunk-clunking, but as Uncle AJ would say, that's how we roll these days.

Lucie points out the trees and bushes, while Ryan practices his "Woof, Woof" with dogs we meet along the way. Sometimes we stop to watch an airplane pass through the sky, or to pick up discarded sippy cup (wait a second, is this a game?), and then it's on to the next discovery. The world is a great, big exciting place to L & R right now, and it sure is fun to watch them enjoy it.

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