Thursday, December 28, 2006

Packing on the Holiday Pounds

Ahh, there's nothing like relaxing on the couch after a good meal. Especially if that meal included big bites of cheesecake at Gigi and Papa's, or nuggets of sugar cookies from Grandma and Grandpa. We've all been known to put on a few extra pounds in December, and Lucie and Ryan are no exception. With all the delicious treats they encountered, these two little tummies are a bit rounder.

We didn't notice the change until we got home from our travels. I tried to put both little dudes in their high chairs, and what do you know, the straps were too tight. The same goes for the stroller and car seats. After some quick adjustments, all straps fit again (much to R & L's dismay). Hopefully the weight gain will show up on the scales at our next doctor's appointment, especially for Miss Lucie who had some making up to do after her recent illness.

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