Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Gobbling Up Fun Times

This Thanksgiving meant a wonderful long week with family for Lucie and Ryan. Now that they are so mobile (and squirmy), we weren't sure what to expect during our air travel, but they did great. A diaper bag full of snacks and books, along with a good old Southwest drink cup, did the trick keeping them occupied and happy in our laps. We'll see if we make it to age 2 (the required age to buy tickets for children) before they get their own seats.

Highlights of this trip included seeing Grandma Great (over Lucie's shoulder), adventures at the parks by both grandparents' houses, and of course, meeting Cousin Tate. He is one sweet little guy who we all loved to hold and make faces with. As you can see here, he has that post-Thanksgiving sleepy look down already. Sweet potatoes next year!

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