Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Democracy (and pretzels) in Action

Ryan and Lucie joined me to vote this year, though not as a lesson in civic responsibility (maybe in a few years), but more out of pure necessity (I didn't get my absentee ballot request in on time).

We arrived at the polls in the middle of the afternoon to a substantial line of waiting voters. So much for beating the before/after work crunch. As I nervously counted voting booths, the woman in front of us looked at Ryan and Lucie, shook her head disapprovingly, and said, "They're never going to make it". Things were not looking good.

Despite these ominous signs, I successfully cast my vote. Ryan and Lucie were fantastic, due mostly to a well-stocked bag of pretzels and some friendly poll workers happy to give out "I Voted" stickers in every possible language. Now R & L can proudly say "Yo Vote" and "Toi Da Bau" at the early age of 13 1/2 months. (And, I can also tell them that their inaugural voting experience coincided with the first woman being elected to speaker of the House - truly a momentous occasion.)

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