Monday, July 21, 2008

"I Peed on the Potty!"

I'm sure someday Ryan or Lucie will read this post and think, "Mom, this is way too much information!" They'll be right, of course. Potty training is not a topic that interests anyone except those parents considering or currently pursuing the training. Before or after those periods, it's the last thing anyone wants to read about over their morning coffee. But, it's our reality right now, and this blog is all about our reality. So, here we go...

Like most big changes in life, the anticipation of potty training twins was much, much worse than the actual practice of potty training twins. That's not to say that it's been easy, but after everything we've been through up to this point, this was a drop in the bucket. Or should I say potty? Sorry, too much time washing underwear has clearly made me punchy.

After many months of excuses and procrastination (mine not theirs), we finally cut out all diapers, except for nap and night, and let Ryan and Lucie pick out their own underwear. The first five days were crazy -- simultaneous accidents, blowing through our entire collection of training pants in one morning, and many, many outfit changes and loads of laundry. It felt intense, and I'm sure I looked quite nutty running from child to child pulling down underwear and placing them on potty seats stationed all over the house, yard, and while we're out, tucked in basket of our stroller.

Ryan caught on first, and after a few days, was using the potty like a pro. He was motivated by the promise of getting to call Daddy after each success for an enthusiastic "Way to go!" Chris got many calls during those first few days, and his co-workers got a good laugh as he chimed out praises in the middle of a meeting or the way home from a business lunch.

Lucie took a bit more coaxing. She kept insisting that she was a baby and that babies don't pee in the potty. After some wise words of advice from my mom, I stepped up the encouragement and the rewards. Like her mother, I've discovered Miss Lucie is motivated by chocolate. And, thankfully, she's satisfied by a single M & M as a reward. I wish I had that willpower.

I think we're over the potty training hump now, as accidents have been far and few between this week. Ryan and Lucie are so proud of themselves and love to share their successes with the world. Just yesterday, Ryan called across the park to Lucie, "I peed on the grass! Hooray for me!" Luckily, there's no one at a playground who isn't going to smile at that one. We've all been there, or will be there soon.

Here's one funny story about all the people we've been including in this venture. Our contractor has been over a lot recently to finish up some remaining projects. On one of his first visits, Ryan and Lucie were both sitting on their potties in the middle of the living room. He handled it perfectly by not drawing attention to them, yet congratulating them after they stood up to declare, "I peed on the potty!". Since then, every time they have a success, they cry out, "I going to tell Mike I peed on the potty!" Each day they wait and wait for Mike to arrive and receive their big news. Mike has been a great sport, listening to their daily reports and declaring, "You're a big kid now!"

Clearly, we've been involving anyone who is willing and interested in participating in this thing. The more encouragement, the better. It takes a village to potty train twins.

According to Chris's rough calculations, we've changed about 10,000 diapers in Ryan and Lucie's 34 months of life. Wow. Though our diaper days are not entirely over yet, it feels good to watch them slowly fade away. And, I love to see these little guys run around in their underwear. It's just too cute.

1 comment:

Amey said...

OH MY GOD. I never would have guessed that a potty training post would be one of my very favorites ever. Such incredible sweetness. Life's triumphs are so poignant. It's amazing to reflect on how important and significant potty training is. I guess I had forgotten that! :)