Monday, April 14, 2008

Nap Strike and Other (More Fun) Adventures

I've been trying to wrap my mind around what life will be like when Lucie and Ryan stop napping. I know the day is coming soon (many people tell me this happens between age 2.5 and 3), and it's not exactly something we're looking forward to.

We've had a taste of it lately with the longest napping strike ever recorded - four days straight. My state of mind (and frequency in blog postings) has been suffering a bit. What once was a peaceful two hours of sleeping has turned into an hour of "jumping game" in their cribs, stuffed animal throwing, and non-stop giggling, followed by ten minutes of screaming "MEGGIE! MEGGIE!" to convince me to let them out of their cribs. Once they heard Chris call me this and now they know to use it anytime they really want to get my attention. It works!

Each day after the failed nap, I've loaded them up in the stroller and gone for a walk. They've fallen fast asleep before I've even made it a block. Clearly, they're still tired and need the rest, but I guess sometimes the joy of having a buddy to do jumping game with far outweighs the appeal of a good nap.

Thankfully, it looks like this was only a taste as napping resumed today. After being grouchy all morning, Lucie and Ryan went down without a peep, and haven't been heard from since. Phew!

In other news, we had a weekend of wonderful adventures (and attempts to tire out Lucie and Ryan) with Aunt Rach and Uncle AJ this weekend. Lucie and Ryan were so excited that Aunt Rach spent a night with us and couldn't believe their good fortune when they got to spend the whole day with her on Saturday, and woke up Sunday morning to find her still there. Their favorite thing to do with her was pretend she was their baby, cover her up with all their favorite blankies and bring her bottles. (I guess pretending to get someone else to nap is much more fun than doing it themselves!) She also helped them create massive construction sites with Ryan's new diggers, sat between their car seats in the car, treated them to ice cream and admired Lucie's new summer dresses for our trip. Lucie and Ryan absolutely love their Aunt Rach - she's so good to them!

1 comment:

Amey said...

The "meggie" thing is hilarious! Apparently I called my mom "Cynthia" for a while. Hee hee. It didn't last!

I can only imagine the looming lack-of-nap-time.... after getting used to a couple of free hours a day. And toddlers have some serious energy! Good luck with that!
