Wednesday, April 16, 2008

A Week of Bugs

For a guy who had never been on antibiotics before, Ryan has had quite a week. Last Thursday, he woke up with pink eye, completely out of the blue. After a call to his doctor, we soon had an antibiotic eye drop waiting for us at the pharmacy. I felt thankful that it could be diagnosed over the phone, saving us a trip to the pediatrician's office. Little did I know, we'd be visiting the doctor's office for something else in a few short days.

The pink eye cleared up quickly, and seemed to be nothing more than a nuisance for Ryan (and Lucie who had a touch of it too). Lucie and Ryan absolutely hated getting their eye drops, but Ducky and Bunny were good sports and elected to take their doses first to make L & R feel more at ease. Ever since, giving eye drops to stuffed animals has turned into a favorite game (along with breaking in their backpacks and "Ha-wa-yee sandals" which they are doing here).

Yesterday at the park Ryan started complaining about one of his ears hurting. Another call to the doctor's office and we had an appointment that afternoon. I guess that anytime kids complain of ear pain they are to be seen right away. Turns out, Ryan had the beginnings of his first ear infection. Though I felt bad for him being sick again, it was kind of neat that he was able to verbalize to me what was hurting so we could get him help fast. Since we were in there already, I had their doctor look at Lucie's ears too, which were deemed healthy. Or, as the doctor said, "fine for today, but I can't say about tomorrow". Now, that's reassuring.

1 comment:

Amey said...

Poor little guy!
It's good to get the ear infection cleared up before a plane flight though... I imagine that could be really uncomfortable.

They are so sweet in their little sandals and backpacks!!!
