Thursday, April 03, 2008

Ticklish Toes

While mornings out and about are fun, often times Lucie and Ryan are just as happy spending the morning at home. It's nice to have a big block of time to do projects that L & R enjoy, but that we can't do often because of the time needed for set and clean up. Painting is a perfect example - tons of fun, but not exactly the kind of thing I can pull out for ten minutes of entertainment while I brush my teeth.

Today L & R spent an hour painting and loved it. We did hand and foot prints taking turns on whose foot was painted. When Lucie had paintbrush in hand she would say, "Rye-Rye, does it tickle?" And Ryan giggled, giggled, giggled. Once Ryan took the paint brush, he was very thorough. He spent extra time on each toe, even painting Lucie's ankle while I wasn't looking.

I kept thinking two things: 1) how big their feet are! Ryan's a size eight now and Lucie's a size seven, and 2) how lucky they are to have a partner to share their enthusiasm for art-making adventures.

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