Sunday, September 17, 2006

Paparazzi, Part II

Ever since Lucie and Ryan started cruising in their new stroller, we don't get as much attention from strangers as we used to. Back in the infant stroller, I could barely make it from bananas to milk without several exclamations of "Are they twins?" from fellow grocery shoppers. Once I counted that we were stopped by 14 different people in a 1/2 hour excursion - crazy!

I think the gawking has slowed for several reasons - one being the size difference between the babies. With Ryan at almost 21 pounds and Lucie at 17 1/2, they are often mistaken for siblings of different ages. I have to laugh when people ask us, "How many months apart are they?" I wonder what they'd say if I answered any number less than 10?

Here are R & L showing off their fall fashions as the temps dipped this week. I heard that stripes and jungle print are all the rage in Paris...

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