Saturday, September 23, 2006

Lucie's First Girls Day

Lucie's not one to miss a party. But what's a girl to do when her Aunt Rach's baby shower is 600 miles away? Fly up for the day, of course! It's not usually the sort of thing we do, but since we had just recently spent a long weekend visiting family, it made sense to do a quick trip. Leaving Ryan and Chris, we hopped on the plane with promises to be home by bedtime.

Lucie was a joy, both during the flights and at the party. She had a great time playing with cousins Gabriella, Maggie and Emily, and kept a close eye on her future cousin's loot as the presents were opened.

Though Lucie enjoyed the day's adventures, I could tell she missed her brother. When Chris picked us up at the airport, the babies were very excited to see each other, and chatted in their car seats all the way home. You'll definitely come with us next time, Rye-Rye.

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