Saturday, September 09, 2006

Crackerjack Idea

When our babies first started non-mushy foods, I was a nervous wreck. I blame first-time parent worries (do my babies know how to chew?) and a bad habit of imagining worst-case scenarios (what if both babies choke at the same time?) for my mealtime jitters. With every successful chew and swallow, it's become clear that R & L are not only great chewers (phew!) but they're also ready for a little more than cheerios and cooked peas.

This week we tried crackers - what a hit. I was convinced they'd try to jam the entire thing in their mouths, but instead they took little chipmunk-like bites and savored every morsel. Ryan is a big graham cracker fan and Lucie especially enjoyed the Ritz crackers she discovered at Aunt Rach's baby shower. If you're ever in the mood for some soggy molasses bisquits, Lucie loves to share...

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