Saturday, September 30, 2006

Cool Toys: Corn Popper

Lucie and Ryan received so many exciting toys for their birthday that we've decided to showcase their favorites in a new series: Cool Toys.

Through experience we've learned that the best toys for twins are the ones both kids can play with at the same time. While we will eventually need two of everything to avoid squabbles, it's nice to keep the living room clutter to a minimum. Thanks to Grandpa and Grandma, one new favorite that meets that criteria is the Fisher Price Corn Popper Ride-on (a classic since 1957). It's perfect because one baby can sit while the other pushes. We help them switch places and directions once they reach the other side of apartment.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Just Cruisin'

While Lucie and Ryan prepare to walk, there's a lot of cruising going on. All that's needed is a solid piece of furniture, and the babies can quickly cover ground by holding on and shuffling their feet. Sometimes they move from one piece to the next, or in Ryan's case here, the pantry to the fridge. Lucie is now on to one-handed cruising, which will surely become hands-free soon.

Combine cruising with lightning-speed crawling, and these babies are all over the place. No wonder we've become accomplished baby-proofers - check out those corner guards!

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Lucie's First Girls Day

Lucie's not one to miss a party. But what's a girl to do when her Aunt Rach's baby shower is 600 miles away? Fly up for the day, of course! It's not usually the sort of thing we do, but since we had just recently spent a long weekend visiting family, it made sense to do a quick trip. Leaving Ryan and Chris, we hopped on the plane with promises to be home by bedtime.

Lucie was a joy, both during the flights and at the party. She had a great time playing with cousins Gabriella, Maggie and Emily, and kept a close eye on her future cousin's loot as the presents were opened.

Though Lucie enjoyed the day's adventures, I could tell she missed her brother. When Chris picked us up at the airport, the babies were very excited to see each other, and chatted in their car seats all the way home. You'll definitely come with us next time, Rye-Rye.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Games for Big Girls

As Lucie nears one, she is no longer content with the usual assortment of toys. Our little girl now counts drumming and wrestling with Ryan among her favorities activities. It's amazing to us and our neighbors how much noise Lucie can generate from a ladle and collander.

Even more amazing to Ryan is how quickly Lucie can pin him. She also uses him as a make-shift step ladder to reach the coffee table.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Year One

As all parents think, it's hard to believe a year has past since Lucie and Ryan came into our lives. We feel like we've known them forever, but it also seems like they were just born. On their birthday, we celebrate many things: having a happy and healthy little girl and boy, surviving a full year with premie twins, and raising (at least in our not-so-humble opinions) two pretty terrific kids.

There are no dietary limits on your birthday. After a regular dinner of cheese tortellini, peas, and leftover scones, Lucie and Ryan enjoyed homemade cupcakes with chocolate frosting. They even saved room for a little ice cream.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Paparazzi, Part II

Ever since Lucie and Ryan started cruising in their new stroller, we don't get as much attention from strangers as we used to. Back in the infant stroller, I could barely make it from bananas to milk without several exclamations of "Are they twins?" from fellow grocery shoppers. Once I counted that we were stopped by 14 different people in a 1/2 hour excursion - crazy!

I think the gawking has slowed for several reasons - one being the size difference between the babies. With Ryan at almost 21 pounds and Lucie at 17 1/2, they are often mistaken for siblings of different ages. I have to laugh when people ask us, "How many months apart are they?" I wonder what they'd say if I answered any number less than 10?

Here are R & L showing off their fall fashions as the temps dipped this week. I heard that stripes and jungle print are all the rage in Paris...

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Crackerjack Idea

When our babies first started non-mushy foods, I was a nervous wreck. I blame first-time parent worries (do my babies know how to chew?) and a bad habit of imagining worst-case scenarios (what if both babies choke at the same time?) for my mealtime jitters. With every successful chew and swallow, it's become clear that R & L are not only great chewers (phew!) but they're also ready for a little more than cheerios and cooked peas.

This week we tried crackers - what a hit. I was convinced they'd try to jam the entire thing in their mouths, but instead they took little chipmunk-like bites and savored every morsel. Ryan is a big graham cracker fan and Lucie especially enjoyed the Ritz crackers she discovered at Aunt Rach's baby shower. If you're ever in the mood for some soggy molasses bisquits, Lucie loves to share...

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Almost One

Though it was two and a half weeks shy of the official day, we celebrated Lucie and Ryan's first birthday today. At one of Chris's favorite childhood parks, Lucie and Ryan enjoyed a party filled with balloons, cousins and friends to play with, and best of all, cupcakes! Both vanilla and chocolate were devoured, with only a hint of frosting left on each baby's nose.

We can't believe it's been almost a year since Lucie and Ryan came into the world. There was no better way to celebrate than spending time with the friends and family who supported us and shared in our challenges and joys these past twelve months. Thanks everyone!

Dad and Ralph, you wear your "Proud Grandpa" hats well!