Thursday, August 10, 2006

Something in the Water?

Thanks to a recent visit to the Mothers of Twins Club, we've been fortunate to hook up with a group of twins parents who, amazingly enough, all live within a 5 mile radius of us. There are eight couples with babies ranging from 3 months to Ryan and Lucie's age. That means 16 babies and eight double strollers when everyone shows up!

Our weekly groups remind me of the challenging days: no sleep, fussy babies and struggles to achieve simultaneous napping. I remember people telling me, "It gets better, don't worry", and not being able to believe it. It's funny to hear the same words from my mouth, though now I know it's true.

I hosted this week - who knew our living room could hold that many babies? Ryan and Lucie are hanging with Sadie and Linus, and though they didn't know it at the time, these four were NICU buddies last fall. They go way back.

1 comment:

Amey said...

wow! What a great picture! So many babies and toys and blankets and moms and baby items!! It looks like you've opened up a day care. :)