Friday, August 18, 2006

Finger Food Feast

Since R & L spend a good portion of each day eating (roughly 1 of every 3 hours), I thought it was time for some more tales from the highchair. Our latest adventures...finger foods!

We started with Gerber Veggie Puffs, and things took off quickly from there. Turns out Ryan and Lucie love feeding themselves. Next they were gobbling down cooked peas, bananas, and toast. Not everything makes it into their mouths, but they give it a good effort. Now we're on to waffles, cooked tortellini, tofu, small pieces of chicken, hamburger buns (at their friend Mitchell's first birthday party), and the list keeps growing and growing. Though self-feeding isn't any cleaner (we find cooked peas everywhere), it is a whole lot easier than having to puree and mash everything.

Here Lucie shows off her favorite under-the-sea bib, and Ryan digs deep for a forgotten pea that fortunately did not hit the floor, unlike many of its pea friends. Time for Chris to start researching DustBusters?

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