Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Stuffed Doggie on the Run

We love toys that can occupy two babies at once, like this wonderful busy box that cousins Maggie and Milo handed down. Unfortunately not all toys are that easy to share, and some of the more popular ones have created quite a few wrestling matches.

The overanxious/first-time parent in me worried, will my babies ever be able to share? Then after some reading and talking to other twins parents, I've realized that sharing is way too much to expect at this age. Before you learn to share, you must have, as one book explained.

So, now we're trying to focus on doubles of many things, especially those popular items like cups and teethers. Maybe then Ryan won't feel the need to stuff doggies (kangaroo?) in his mouth and make a run for it whenever Lucie shows an interest in his toy. Nice hair, don't you think?

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