Sunday, July 30, 2006

My Brother, the Stand-Up Comic

Ryan and his crazy antics are a source of much humor for Lucie. Shared laughter first started with the famous sneeze incident (loyal followers may remember that one), and has become more frequent ever since. Now I understand why parents of twins tout the benefits of built-in entertainment.

I love this latest trend, except during one of their favorite comedy hours -- nap time. As soon as I put them down, Ryan instantly pulls down the bumper closest to Lucie's crib and waits for her to pop up and goof off with him. They usually fall asleep mid-routine, though not without some resistance (once I found Lucie had fallen asleep sitting up, head leaning against the crib side closest to Ryan).

I think I missed the punchline here, but it looks like Lucie got it. Must be baby humor.

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