Sunday, January 08, 2006

Everyday is Laundry Day

For two little people, Lucie and Ryan sure generate a lot of laundry. With diaper accidents, spit-ups, and daily wear, they each can easily go through a few outfits a day. Next thing you know the only clean sleeper for Ryan is his sister's and reads in pink, 'Little Princess'. (Sorry, Ryan - we won't tell your future prom date.)

Recently we were at our friends' house and Ryan's diaper change took a turn for the worse. We discovered that we hadn't packed clean pants in the diaper bag, only clean shirts (rookie parenting mistake). Fortunately, our friends' one-year old, Cooper, had an extra 3-6 month size sleeper tucked in the back of his closet. Thanks, buddy. We're learning.

Here Ryan helps fold his dad's laundry...

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