Monday, January 30, 2006

4 Month Checkup

It's been 11 weeks since Lucie and Ryan have been to the doctor's office. That seems like a lifetime considering the round-the-clock medical attention they entered the world to. But with no ear infections, colds, bumps, or bruises to trigger a visit, it wasn't until today's 4 month checkup (19 weeks actually) that we went back to the pediatrician.

Both babies were proclaimed happy and healthy after an extensive checkup. Lucie weighed in at 12 lbs, 11 ozs (25th percentile) and 25.5 inches tall (75th). Ryan's still the bigger twin at 13 lbs, 14 ozs (25th) and 26 inches (80th). The exciting news for us, other than the obvious continued good health of our babies, was that their growth can finally be tracked on the full-term chart.

In the photo, Lucie and Ryan show off their well-earned post-immunization band-aids.

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