Thursday, October 30, 2008

Then and Now

It's no surprise that we have an encore appearance of the fireman and ballerina this Halloween. Ryan and Lucie found their callings, and they're not parting with them, no matter how many wizard, kitten, cowboy or hula dancer costumes come their way. Although Lucie did surprise us when she chose to wear her veterinarian jacket to a neighbor's costume party last weekend. We'll see what happens on Halloween night.

At our twins club fall party, we happened to come home with a few photos that were almost identical to shots we took last year. It's fun to see how far Ryan the Fireman and Lucie the Ballerina have come.

Ryan's costume fits him perfectly this year, with no need to roll up sleeves or pant legs like last year. Judging by the fabric on the knee patches, this costume has had its fair share of trips through the washing machine. The original black helmet is long gone, left at a park last winter and never seen again. It its place is a much loved helmet given to Ryan from Uncle Greg and Jessica last Christmas. This fireman suit has to be the best $15 ever spent on Ryan.

Due to over-wear, Lucie's costume from last year (pictured in the train photo before it got dirty at lunch) didn't make it. However, her newest tutu is getting just as much love and attention in its place.

Happy Halloween!

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