Friday, August 08, 2008

Skinny Dipping

Playing in your own inflatable pool is one of the many pleasures of being a toddler in the summer. Ryan and Lucie could (and sometimes do) spend hours pouring, dunking, dipping, drinking, mixing, splashing and pouring again. They love the water.

The first time I set up our pool, I had R & L decked out in all their swim gear — swim diapers, bathing suits, rash guards and hats. They were good to go.

Then, like so many of my best intentions to protect my kids, all was thrown out the window. Slowly, they began shedding their clothes, a rash guard flung off here, a bathing suit tossed over there. The next thing I knew they were naked, claiming swimsuits made them "too cold". How that's possible in lukewarm tap water and 90 degree temperatures is beyond me. But I don't argue with the logic of 2 year old twins.

Now all swimming is to be done in the "noodie-roodie". I have to admit, it does make clean-up and potty training a whole lot easier. I just feel sorry for Ryan and Lucie's buddies Erick and Evan who came over to play this week. Thankfully, Ryan maintained his modesty while entering and exiting the pool.

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