Monday, October 15, 2007

Two Going on Sixteen

Toddlers are famous for their declarations of independence - "Me!" or "No!" shouted to the rooftops. Our two are definitely no exception. "Me!" is a very active member of our household, declaring his/her desire to empty the dishwasher, operate the blender, push buttons on the dryer (our appliances are quite popular) or climb in/out of the stroller or car seat.

Lucie has been cracking me up lately with her independent statements. Her favorite is "No Waaaayy!" which she'll use to answer just about any question, sometimes with a little smile and giggle, others with a foot stomp (depending on how much she doesn't want to do what you're asking her to do). I love replying to her with "Yes Way!", which she finds hilarious and invariably sends her into another laughing fit of "No Waaaay, No Waaaay!"

When we were visiting my parents recently, she noticed my mom calling me by my name and decided this would be pretty fun to do herself. Now whenever she really wants to get my attention she'll come right up to my face and say "Megan!", "Megan!" Or, if she really wants to stop me in my tracks, she'll simply call me "Mom". Not long ago she could barely say "Mama", and suddenly I'm "Mom". It sounds so grown-up.

Age two and she's already using surfer girl lingo and calling her mom by her first name - how soon until she asks to borrow the car?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Another great story about these two, "Mom!"
