Thursday, October 25, 2007

Cabin Fever

The recent poor air quality in our area has forced all of us to stay inside for 4 days straight. Actually, all things considered, we're lucky that cabin fever is the worst of our problems right now.

And while I'd never complain about getting to spend extra time with Megan, Lucie, and Ryan, after a while you begin to run out of interesting activities. Every book has been read and toys all played with. So necessity fosters creativity and suddenly Ryan and I spend the better part of an hour chasing Megan and Lucie around the house as "Tunnel Man". On another afternoon, we used our combined engineering genes to build a multi-room fort using every couch cushion, pillow, and blanket in the house. The game of "Pillow Pile" was invented by stacking up pillows and blankets and then running full speed into the pile. Thanks to the wonders of Google (and that extra time off work) the world can now see a first-hand account of how the game is played.

Loyal readers may also recognize that this post marks my long overdue return to 20 Fingers & 20 Toes. I wish I had a good explanation for the 5 month absence, but changing jobs (hooray me!), traveling about with the family, and assembling a top-notch fantasy football team didn't really take up all of my free time.

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