Tuesday, January 23, 2007

What a Life

Lucie has taken to feeding her brother (after a few mouthfuls for herself, of course). It all started when we'd ask her to find Ryan's bunny blanket to soothe him when he was upset. She'd gladly hop up, toddle around until she found it, and bring it to her brother. Now she enjoys bringing him all sorts of stuff, including sippy cups, books, and snacks placed directly in his mouth.

Ryan has no complaints about this recent development. He sits back and smiles contentedly like a figure in Greek mythology being fed grapes. In this case, it's not grapes, but Veggie Booty that he's munching on. Little does he know it has kale and cabbage in it, but it sure looks like he enjoys it. Maybe if we got sis to give him meatballs (his least favorite food), he'd eat that too?

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