Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Long and Lean

Lucie and Ryan had their 15 month checkup today. These appointments always serve as a reminder of how fast our babies are growing up. The main thing on our list to discuss with their pediatrician: weight.

Unfortunately, our month of illness spilled over into January as Lucie, Ryan, and I were all stricken with the stomach flu over New Years. Megan helped us quickly recover, but we knew we had lost some of our recent holiday weight gain. Stripped down to their diapers, Lucie weighed 18lbs, 13ozs (5th percentile) and Ryan tipped the scales at 22lbs, 4ozs (20th).

Despite the small numbers, the pediatrician said Lucie and Ryan are doing great. They are tracking consistently on the percentile charts so we're just bound to have skinny babies for a while. Height measurements are more important to us anyway. I figure they can always follow their dad's lead and gain weight later on in life. Lucie was measured at 31 inches (60th) with Ryan one inch taller (75th).

Our long and lean babies definitely need the extra-long bath towels made by my Aunt Tammie following bathtime.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh you guys... those pictures are so sweet. What cuddly little dudes.

Man, a house full of sickies - phew! Glad to hear that you are all better. Hope to see you all soon!
