Friday, December 29, 2006

Chill in the Air

Visits to the grandparents often necessitate breaking out the cold weather clothes. Jackets and hats that are rarely worn at home become daily requirements. Here, Ryan models his Scandanavian headgear (actually, a great hand-me-down from cousin Maggie). And when it's just too cold to go outside, you can stay indoors -- Grandpa and Grandma have a castle!

In their nearly 16 months of life, Lucie and Ryan have been on 16 flights. That seems like a lot of plane rides especially since L & R know one certain fiancé who has only taken two flights in his entire life and he's in his mid-20's! To be fair, he did visit Lucie and Ryan on that trip.

No matter how often we fly, we always look forward to going back home. Fortunately for us, it's a quick flight with just enough time to read a book.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Packing on the Holiday Pounds

Ahh, there's nothing like relaxing on the couch after a good meal. Especially if that meal included big bites of cheesecake at Gigi and Papa's, or nuggets of sugar cookies from Grandma and Grandpa. We've all been known to put on a few extra pounds in December, and Lucie and Ryan are no exception. With all the delicious treats they encountered, these two little tummies are a bit rounder.

We didn't notice the change until we got home from our travels. I tried to put both little dudes in their high chairs, and what do you know, the straps were too tight. The same goes for the stroller and car seats. After some quick adjustments, all straps fit again (much to R & L's dismay). Hopefully the weight gain will show up on the scales at our next doctor's appointment, especially for Miss Lucie who had some making up to do after her recent illness.

Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas From the Cookie Monster Hotline

Like Lucie and Ryan last year, cousin Tate's first Christmas was all about sleeping, eating, and looking cute in his holiday wear (which he does so well). Lucie and Ryan's second Christmas involved a fair amount of sleeping and eating too, with a touch more interest in presents, tree lights and Santa music boxes.

I think it'll still be a few years yet before Christmas morning becomes a much anticipated event. In the meantime Ryan and Lucie had fun checking out their cousin, playing with new toys, and attempting to eat ribbons and wrapping paper. A popular gift for L & R was talking baby cell phones -- hmmm... I wonder if our families are trying to tell us something?

Looks like Uncle Jason didn't get the memo about striped shirt day in the second photo.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Lucie's Tough Luck

Poor Lucie has been hit hard by illness this month. On our way to a holiday party several weeks ago, she got carsick for the fourth time. Even scarier, she started choking as we were getting her out of the carseat. That necessitated my first fingersweep intervention -- good thing we remembered those infant first-aid/CPR lessons.

Two weeks later, Lucie was diagnosed with a double-whammy: an ear infection and mild pneumonia. Our first major illness and our first visit to Urgent Care. I think seeing her so lethargic and listless was most unsettling -- our little Lucie just wasn't Lucie. No talking, no walking, no eating for several days. Though she has made a full recovery, our medicine cabinet is now stocked with a few additional items: nasal saline drops, Benadryl, and prescription antibiotics.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

R & L Cleaning Service

It turns out that Ryan and Lucie like housework. Lucky us! Two of their favorite chores include unpacking groceries (a.k.a. moving soda cans in and out and in and out of the fridge) and cleaning up for baths (a.k.a. flinging toilet paper).

And when it comes time to clean out my wallet, I know two little dudes I can always count on for help. Sometimes I don't even have to ask for it. Hey, who slobbered on my smoothie punch card?

Friday, December 08, 2006

A Boy, a Girl, and Their Wagon

When we don't go for longer trips in the stroller, I take Lucie and Ryan for short cruises in their Radio Flyer. They wave their little Snack Traps (another ingenious invention) full of Cheerios in delight as the wagon starts cruising out the door. I'm sure we drive our neighbors crazy with our constant clunk-clunk-clunking, but as Uncle AJ would say, that's how we roll these days.

Lucie points out the trees and bushes, while Ryan practices his "Woof, Woof" with dogs we meet along the way. Sometimes we stop to watch an airplane pass through the sky, or to pick up discarded sippy cup (wait a second, is this a game?), and then it's on to the next discovery. The world is a great, big exciting place to L & R right now, and it sure is fun to watch them enjoy it.