Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Our Little Monkey

While Ryan and I enjoy the smoothie stand at the mall (yum, pumpkin smoothies!), Lucie keeps an eye on the teenage girls cruising in and out of Claire's Accessories. She's becoming quite an accessories fan. She loves examining Gigi's bracelets, touching my earrings and grabbing her Dad's baseball cap.

Just today she showed an interest in one of her own accessories - this funny monkey hat. Though it wasn't exactly cold out, Lucie pulled this hat out of her drawer, put it on, and wouldn't take it off during the entire twins playgroup at the park. Maybe she was inspired by this morning's reading of Curious George? Who knows, but it sure was cute to watch Lucie proudly sport one of her own fashion choices.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OH MY GOODNESS - your babies are soooooo so so unbelievably gorgeous!! I'm in love with them both hehe.

I hope to be a yummy Mummy some day :-P hopefully not too far in the future...but you never know!!

Thanks for makin such a great site. Makes a change from some of the morbid/strange/point-blank-boring ones you see so often lol....feel free to peruse mine, hopefully it doesn't fall under any of those categories lol!

Becki :-)

PS. I'm currently having to leave comments as an anonymous blogger til Blogger gets itself sorted and allows me to post as myself (noo idea what's going on lol!) but my address is: