Saturday, October 21, 2006

One Year Stats

Lucie and Ryan had their official one-year pediatrician's appointment in early October. After a ridiculously long wait (more on that in another post) and subsequent exam, we get little slips that list their vitals. Like most premies, they remain small in comparison to the entire baby population with all those full-term singletons :> In any case, our babies are long, lean, and most important of all, healthy.

Lucie's in the 5th percentile for weight at 17 pounds, 3 ounces, but 29.5 inches tall (75th percentile). Ryan weighs 19 pounds, 13 ounces (10th percentile) and is 30 inches tall (75th percentile).

P.S. Champagne again tonight, but no burp clothes. A welcome change from last year.

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