Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Your Crib or Mine?

A few weeks ago naptime was interrupted by a strange combination of screams and giggles. I sprinted into the room to find Lucie leaning over her previously snoozing brother, playing with his hair and smiling ear-to-ear. After eight months of peaceful co-sleeping, this event and other factors (mainly, these babies are getting big) meant it was time for everyone to have their own space.

The transition from one to two cribs has been easy for some (Ryan) and quite challenging for others (Lucie and her parents). When Ryan sleeps, he's out. Lucie, taking after her Dad, is a very light sleeper. The move to her own crib meant that she no longer had a cozy, warm brother to snuggle up against for comfort. At first we left the crib bumpers off thinking it would help if they could see each other. We didn't realize they would get their arms and legs stuck between the crib slats -- no fun for anyone. The bumpers are back on, though as Lucie demonstrates here, she's learned to peek a look at brother anytime she feels the need. Don't worry, he's still there, little Luce.

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