Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Need for Speed (feeding, that is)

Alternating spoonfuls between two squealing, leg-kicking, 8 1/2 month olds can be a monster arm workout. (Those lucky few who have seen Ryan nearly hyperventilate with excitement over a bowl of peas know what I'm talking about.) Since I haven't had much time to hit the gym lately, good thing I have our babies to keep my biceps in shape for tank top season.

Taking some of the pressure off the speed-feeding is a cool product called the Fresh Food Feeder (thanks to L & R's buddy Logan!). These popsicle looking teethers allow you to give babies fresh foods without worrying about choking. Lucie and Ryan have tried avocado, banana, and warm apples, all while practicing chewing and feeding themselves. Once the self-feeding truly begins, then we'll really have to hose down these highchairs everyday. What a mess!

More on the highchairs later. As I'm sure you'd expect from the 20 fingers & 20 toes parents, due diligence was done before purchase...

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