Sunday, May 28, 2006

Ryan Fever

Other than a brief bout with the sniffles in January, Lucie and Ryan have been remarkably healthy. Whether that is due to breastfeeding, no day-care, luck, or all of the above, we feel pretty fortunate.

However, we noticed Ryan felt warm to the touch yesterday evening. When the thermomerter hit 100 degrees, we ran for the Infant Tylenol. When it hit 102 a few hours later, we ran to the phone. Perfect example of why parents need to keep important numbers next to the phone -- you don't want to be searching for the pediatrician and medical record numbers while wondering if you really should be rushing to the emergency room.

The after-hours nurse allayed our fears (102 is considered a 'low-grade' fever and helps to ward off more serious illness). Maybe it was related to teething (though Ryan still doesn't have any). In any case, everyone's temperature is back to normal this morning.

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