Monday, May 08, 2006

Crib Sharing

We plan to setup the second crib later this month -- Lucie and Ryan are simply getting too big and too mobile to fit into a single crib. Everyone will be sad to see them separated, but such is progress.

Like most babies I assume, Lucie and Ryan can be very active at night. Every night, we put them down in pretty much the same position: Ryan angled inward on the left, Lucie angled inward on the right (see top photo).

Their positions in the morning are another story. We have found them on opposite ends of the crib, lying with feet on top of one another, side-by-side, etc. Over the last week, we took photos of them first thing in the morning.

You can clearly see two things: we're greeted with smiles almost every morning and L & R are active sleepers.

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