Lucie and Ryan have handled the transition to big kid beds with aplomb. Not once have we had to return a rogue (at least, not an awake one — see below) child to his or her bed in the middle of the night. Instead, we set a ground rule that they call for us if they need anything. And while that means hearing the occasional "Daddy, I have to pee" cry in the middle of the night, it sure beats midnight wanderers.
However, since we elected not to use bed rails, we put their beds directly on the floor for the time being. Good thing since it turns out that Lucie has a penchant for rolling in her sleep. Over a two week period, I've found her in a variety of funny positions when checking on them around 10pm.
Ryan, in contrast, sleeps in the same position every night...
Landon Michael: 12.30.24 - 1.5.25
3 days ago
Oh my gosh... SO CUTE!!!
Little Lucie is seriously all over the place... such sweetness. I'm like Ryan - I almost always sleep with my arms overhead like that! High fives, Ryan!
Great photos of Lucie! I also used to move a lot in my sleep. My parents would often find my feet on my pillow in the morning. This also brings back a college memory when I woke up one morning completely rolled up in my bed sheet that had came off my mattress. My roommates had to come and get me out.
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