As an early Mother's Day treat, Gigi spent two days with us this past week. It was wonderful to see her and spend time together.
We all were looking forward to some Gigi time, especially Mr. Ryan. He decided he wasn't feeling well enough for art class with Lucie, and instead wanted to get out on the grass for some baseball with Gigi. Apparently the little cold he was suffering from enhanced his baseball playing skills, as he had many home runs to report later that afternoon. "Mommy," he told me, "I hit it OVER Gigi's head!" He's really starting to enjoy sports -- especially baseball, soccer and basketball.
We spent the next day enjoying the science museum and surrounding park. Lucie and Ryan braved a merry-go-round that had their parents' stomachs churning from just looking at it, and did great. Ryan sat behind Uncle AJ and talked to him the entire ride, spin after spin after spin. None of us could hear what he was saying, but apparently he had lots of comments about his first solo carousel experience.
Gigi sat next to Lucie for half the ride, then spent the other half standing next to her as Lucie's face grew progressively greener. She didn't get sick, however, and never asked to get off.
Lucie loved riding on the ostrich, but she wasn't so sure about Ryan's choice. They had read a dinosaur book in art class, and the only boy in the class (other than Ryan) told everyone that dinosaurs had sharp teeth that dripped blood. This didn't sit so well with Lucie, and has had her avoiding any dinosaur-looking creature ever since. She especially couldn't understand why Ryan would choose to sit on one.
When given another opportunity to ride, the kids opted for something a bit more tame. This butterfly ride was more Lucie's speed, and happily did not include any snarling or teeth-baring creatures.
We spent a beautiful day together, and had a great visit. I love it that Gigi notices changes and growth in Lucie and Ryan that I'm often too close to notice -- like how much more physically coordinated Ryan has become, and how well Lucie has been eating and sprouting out of her clothes. I really enjoy hearing what she notices, and feel thankful to have a mother who is so interested and involved in my kids' lives.
Happy early Mother's Day, Mom! Next time we look forward to Papa joining us too.
Landon Michael: 12.30.24 - 1.5.25
3 days ago
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