We're only a few weeks into parenting toddlers and one thing's for sure - it can be
very unpredictable. (I bet our parents could have told us that.) One day Ryan can't eat his chicken fast enough, the next he can't spit it out fast enough. Lucie goes for weeks sleeping until 6:30 am, suddenly she's waking us all up at 5:45 am.
Here's a little more about their latest likes - but watch out, they could change at any time...

Ryan LOVES: cantaloupe, opening and closing drawers and doors, rubbing noses with Porter the Puppy (more on him later), giving high-fives, watching his Dad shave in the morning and remote controls.

Lucie LOVES: hanging upside down, reading books, dancing (preferably ended with a dip), turkey meatballs, trying on clothes, and sucking her fingers (here she's showing her buddy Owen the best fingers to choose).