Sunday, November 12, 2006

Cool Toys: Crabbie Sandbox

With our two little crawlers/walkers (more on Lucie's new found abilities in a future post), we are always looking for ways to expand our condo. Since buying a 3 bedroom house on 1/2 acre isn't exactly feasible in today's housing market, we decided to transform our patio into an impromptu playground.

Of course, that meant cleaning up the patio first. While not exactly a dump, mountain bikes, a barbecue, and assorted tools make it an unfriendly place for toddlers. So the bikes went underground, the bbq to storage, and the toolbox secured. After I mopped the area, I realized we needed to soften up the floor. Combining a few quick measurements and the wonders of the Internet, I bought 32 square feet of 3/4 inch play mats from Step 2.

Next up was entertainment. Borrowing a tip from Erick (and his parents Rick and Kathleen), we bought an outdoor sandbox intending to fill it with plastic balls. Another a few clicks online and we ordered Crabbie Sandbox from Step 2 and 200 Magic Balls from PlayHut. So far everyone is very happy with the latest additions.


Anonymous said...

What a great idea & what lucky kids!! And great parents!

Jason said...

When's the indoor moonwalk going to be installed?