Poor Lucie has been hit hard by illness this month. On our way to a holiday party several weeks ago, she got carsick for the fourth time. Even scarier, she started choking as we were getting her out of the carseat. That necessitated my first fingersweep intervention -- good thing we remembered those infant first-aid/CPR lessons.
Two weeks later, Lucie was diagnosed with a double-whammy: an ear infection and mild pneumonia. Our first major illness and our first visit to Urgent Care. I think seeing her so lethargic and listless was most unsettling -- our little Lucie just wasn't Lucie. No talking, no walking, no eating for several days. Though she has made a full recovery, our medicine cabinet is now stocked with a few additional items: nasal saline drops, Benadryl, and prescription antibiotics.
Landon Michael: 12.30.24 - 1.5.25
3 days ago
Oh Sweet Little Lucie,
We've all been so worried about her. I'm sorry to hear she had such a hard time, but very relieved to hear that she has made a full recovery. Love and health to you all!
One thing about a child with big expressive eyes is that they can never hide anything they are feeling. You can see the sparkle of an unseen smile, the mischievous glint right before they do something they are not supposed to and that tired look even when they are saying "I'm not tired". Poor Lucie, in this photo those big beautiful blues definitely say "I'm not feeling well!". Glad to hear everyone is feeling better.
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