Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Thirteen is a Dream: Ryan

And, all of a sudden, he's a teenager! Our kind, smart, fun and sports-loving kid turns 13 today. How did that happen?

In honor of age 13, I asked Ryan a few "13" related reflections (some silly):

13 Favorite Moments from the Past Year (in no particular order):

1. Closing out, as a pitcher, the Little League Championships! Go Yankees!

2. Going to the Dodgers World Series games 2 and 7

3. Getting a phone

4. Canyoneering in Zion National Park

5. Solving a Rubik's Cube while doing sit-ups in the school Talent Show

6. Playing hallway soccer with Jake

7. Moving into a new house

8. Staying on the beach in Capitola with cousins

9. Hanging out with baby cousins and Emily in Sunnyvale

10. Getting a 98 on a middle school math quiz

11. Doing the sports report on the school morning announcements

12. Swimming with dolphins

13. First day of middle school

13 Favorite Foods:
Marianne's 50/50 ice cream
Chipotle steak burritos
BBQ ribs
Kentucky Fried Chicken (a love discovered this summer)
Noodles Romanoff
PB and J's on whole wheat (
Slushees from the school snack bar
Corner Bakery strawberry pancakes
Jamba Juice Pumpkin Smash Smoothie
Cracklin' Oat Bran Cereal
Fig Newtons
Uncle Eddie's Vegan Oatmeal Chocolate Chip cookies

13 Word Description of What I Hope to do in the Next Year:

Enjoy my life by playing sports and hanging out with friends and family.

We love you Rye-Rye D. Happy lucky 13!

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