Monday, September 19, 2016

Ryan at Eleven

Our sweet, easy going, sports fanatic turns 11 today. Here are his answers to eleven questions all about his life as he knows it. We think it captures him at this age of discovery, risk taking, and learning. And, lots and lots of baseball, soccer and basketball!

1. What five words do you think best describe you?
Smart, kind, friendly, funny and athletic.

2. What have you done in the past year that you are most proud of?
I learned how to snowboard when we were at June Mountain last winter. In one of my basketball games this summer, I scored 19 points. And at the end of the Little League season, I got selected to the All-Stars team. We did really well until we lost on the 4th of July.   

3. What do you think will be a new privilege that comes with being 11 years old?
I'll be able to stay home and babysit Jake for longer periods. 

4. How would you like to celebrate your 11th birthday?
I'd love to go to a Dodgers or Warriors game -- deciding between the two is tough.

5. If you could be invisible for a day, what would you do?
I would hang out in the Dodgers' dugout and listen to everything going on. Then I would sit on the Warriors' bench during a game and watch all the action. 

6. Where is your favorite place in the world?
My five favorite places in the world are London, Italy, Hawaii, Yosemite, and June Mountain. 

7. Of all the things you are learning, what do you think will be the most useful when you are an adult?

8. What are your favorite types of books to read?
I like books where the characters play sports. Some of my favorite authors are John Feinstein and Tim Green. I also really like a series of kids detective books by John Grisham.

9. What are you most looking forward to in fifth grade?
I'm happy to be learning more US History. 

10. What's one rule in your family that you'd like to change?
I hate Yard Work Sundays ... so torturous! Our yard has way too many pine needles to sweep.

11. If you could buy a plane ticket to anywhere, where would you go?
Game seven of the World Series! Or the NBA Finals. That would be pretty cool too.

You make every day more fun because you're in it, Ryan. Happy birthday buddy!

Lucie at Eleven

Our amazing girl turns 11 today. In honor of Lucie's birthday, here are her answers to eleven burning questions — perfectly capturing this incredible age of discovery, responsibility and adventure.

1. What five words do you think best describe you?
Creative, fun, smart, kind, and thoughtful.

2. What have you done in the past year that you are most proud of?
I grew my hair out and then donated an 8 inch ponytail to Beautiful Lengths. I read over 100 books this summer. Also, I learned Italian! Well, not completely but enough to order gelato when we were in Italy last fall. I ran three 5K races last year too, all under 30 minutes. And, I did a 5 day hike through the Yosemite High Sierra Camps with my brother and parents.

3. What do you think will be a new privilege that comes with being 11 years old?
I'll have more responsibility taking care of Jake and I'll be able to stay home by myself sometimes.

4. How would you like to celebrate your 11th birthday?
I would love a bouquet of flowers and an ice cream cake. And a slumber party with my best friends too.

5. If you could be invisible for a day, what would you do?
I would wear a hat that wasn't invisible and walk around freaking people out with my floating hat. Then I would wear some non-invisible pants and I would dance making people think the pants were dancing by themselves!

6. Where is your favorite place in the world?
I really like my closet, especially now that it's clean and has new carpet. I can get cozy in there with a book and a flashlight. 

7. Of all the things you are learning, what do you think will be the most useful when you are an adult?

8. What are your favorite types of books to read?
I love adventure and fantasy books. I also like slightly scary books. Only slightly scary, though. I'm not a fan of horror or gruesome things.

9. What are you most looking forward to in fifth grade?
I'm looking forward to BizTown. It's a program that lets kids do job interviews and then spend one day doing that job in a pretend city with other kids.

10. What's one rule in your family that you'd like to change?
Chores! I understand that you have to do them, but I wish they were more fun.

11. If you could buy a plane ticket to anywhere, where would you go?
I would see go to New York City in the winter and see Hamilton musical. I can sing the entire show!

You're the best eleven year old girl ever, Lucie B. We love you!