Saturday, August 07, 2010

Flow Control

Pre-potty training:

Post-potty training:

To be fair, the post picture represents two years of trial and error. Fortunately for our bathroom hardware budget, Ryan now has his aim under better control...


Mollie said...

This blog entry made me LOL. And then I saw it was written by Chris! That made perfect sense. I'm sure Ryan will love this picture when he's in his teen years, ...

Anonymous said...

Glad that Ryan has made some progress in the bathroom "aiming" department, but it looks like Chris has lost some spell checking abilities (trail vs trial).

Uncle Greg

pretty day said...

That is TOO funny!!

Kathy said...

This horrifies me. Just today I was trying to find the location of the "pee" smell from our bathroom and that is from a girl. What am I in for???


Chris said...

OK, spelling updated.

Whisper close toilet seats are a must purchase for anyone with kids. 50 times a day you don't have to listen to crashing toilet seats. Also reduces likelihood of injury from seat failing when little boys aren't ready. Ouch!

Anonymous said...

Chris - I'm wondering why you have a "pre" photo at all...