Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Fun of Four

A book I'm reading describes age four as the age of exuberance. I love that portrayal, as it seems everything these little guys do is accomplished with such gusto, from the joyful to the challenging.

There is glee and excess and unrestrained wackiness in everything, from running to dancing to protesting parental requests to roughhousing to singing to feeling sleepy. These four-year-olds are present, and excited to be present, each and every moment of the day (and night).

Here you have some exuberant room clean-up that turned into a fence composed entirely of hangers, meticulously constructed (mostly by Ryan) until the very last millisecond before bathtime. And, some sweet and exuberant cuddling, as only these two can do.

As with each and every age, we're loving four.

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