Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Christmas Spirit

Even though this is our second Christmas in the house, we only managed to put up a paltry little tree last year. This year, Lucie and Ryan insisted we prepare early to avoid a repeat performance.

So last weekend, with Grandma and Grandpa's help, we got started. First order of business was a wreath for the gate. Nearby pine trees contributed pine cones while L & R made paper snowflakes with Grandma.

Next up was outdoor lights. After last year's holiday let-down, I bought LED lights on clearance sale and, for eleven months, the boxes have been gathering dust in the garage. It took a few hours to install the hooks (nothing says Christmas like dangling 15 feet up armed with a hammer, drill, hooks, and electricity...) and tuck power cords out of sight, but our house is now officially lit every evening. And while the brightness of the LED lights is a little underwhelming, at least it only costs us 20 cents per week to light them up.

Finally, we decided not to get a tree — just didn't make sense this year. After much discussion, we arrived at a compromise: the lights intended for the tree would be put up in L & R's room instead. The lights are turned on each night at bedtime and turned off once no creatures are stirring.

1 comment:

Sandy said...

Looking bright and cheery. It's always more work than it should be!