Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Cousin Number Two!

This past Saturday Lucie and Ryan awoke to the happy news that their new cousin made it safely into the world. Little Caleb Manuel (Manuel was my grandfather's name) was born early Saturday morning, right smack on his due date. What a punctual guy!

Lucie and Ryan can't wait to meet "Baby Kay-yub" and spend time with his big brother Tate. They took great pride in assisting with his "Gigi blanket" when Gigi was here last month. In their minds, a special Gigi blanket officially makes him one of the cousins. (Here are Lucie and Ryan with their blankets at age 3.5 months — can't believe they were once that tiny and took pacifiers!)

Welcome Caleb! We love you to pieces already. And, Ryan hopes you love the color orange and firetrucks as much as he does, as we'll have a steady stream of hand-me-downs headed your way.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Congratulations! We're so happy for you guys - and how lucky is Caleb to have two such wonderful cousins!