Thursday, September 04, 2008


An entire world made out of Legos? Strange, but true. Given the option of going anywhere for Megan's recent birthday, L & R unanimously declared that they wanted to go to Legoland. Since I missed their first visit, I made sure I tagged along the second time.

And so we flew helicopters, pumped firetrucks, drove jeeps, and steered boats from sunup to sundown. Naps were never even an option as L & R reveled in all that Legoland had to offer.

Here Ryan demonstrates the sailing skills he inherited from Papa. Turning the steering wheel was more important than going the right direction. The best part was Ryan repeatedly yelling "I saved us from crashing!" as each near disaster was narrowly averted.

Unfortunately we didn't get a photo, but Lucie uttered the day's funniest line when she commented "Why is that lady wearing a cape?" after coming face-to-face with Lego Darth Vader. Clearly she is not a fan of the dark side.

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