Sunday, May 18, 2008

A-lo-ha! Part 4

Our last, but certainly not least, Maui installment is all about...parties! The inspiration behind our trip was a celebration of my Dad's 60th birthday and my sister's birthday the day after. I've always enjoyed their back-to-back birthday festivities, and a celebration in Maui made it even more special.

The first of "Papa's parties" was a beautiful dinner out with the whole family. The restaurant we went to was the same spot Chris and I ate after we got engaged many years ago. So, of course, it has special memories, and we had to take a photo with Lucie and Ryan at our proposal spot. We didn't expect the kids to understand what this spot meant to us, but they surprised us. They're fascinated by our wedding rings, so when we explained that this was where I got my ring, they both kind of seemed to get it (as much as two year olds get these sort of things).

A few moments after the photo, we met a set of 10 year old boy/girl twins. They came right up to us asking if we had twins, and were so sweet to Lucie and Ryan. I loved the fact that the girl was taller than the boy! I don't think I've ever met boy/girl twins that age before, or at least not since I've had twins, and it was fun to dream about what Lucie and Ryan might be like in the future. Wouldn't it be fun for Lucie to be taller than Ryan some day? (More fun for her than for Ryan, I'm sure.)

Our second party was at the condo the next night. My mom put together a delicious BBQ along with a surprise guest – a hula dancing singing telegram! Ryan, Lucie and Tate were mesmerized by the music and dancing. When asked to join in, they swayed to the music and played close attention to imitate the hand motions. Watching all three of them was really, really sweet, and definitely one of my favorite memories from the trip. I'm not sure Chris and I could have ever dreamed of this much joy years ago when we first celebrated on a warm and wonderful Maui evening.

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