Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Raise Your Glasses...

as we toast the New Year! We hope everyone is enjoying the holidays as much as Lucie and Ryan.

After an extended trip to see family, we're back and will be posting about our adventures in the coming days.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year, Megan/Chris/Lucie and Ryan...I finally figured out how to do this comment thing (you may live to regret this as I can be entirely too wordy), thanks to Megan's pointing out the obvious. I never used this because I thought the comments would be public for anyone to see...may or may not be true, but what I really want to say is how wonderful I think you all are and what an amazingly wonderful job you are doing as parents. Would that there could be more conscious, dedicated and loving parents as the two of you. Lucie and Ryan are so lucky to have been born into the lives they are living. Happy New Year and keep up the delightful and informative blog that makes me feel like "one of the family". Love, Annie